TOFU Meeting
February 24, 2001

The big project for the February meeting was a Rhombic Dodecahedron shaped calendar. The calendar consists of 12 Rhombic units. The Rhombic unit was designed by Nick Robinson. The idea of printing a calendar month on each unit was the idea of Humiaki Huzita of Italy. Thoki Yenn, of Denmark, worked out the problem of actually getting the calendar to print at the right slant.

Diagrams for the calendar units are available on Thoki Yenn's website at

The printed calendar design we used was created by Lar de Souza, and can be found at (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print this file.)
Rhombic dodecahedron calendar
The rhombic dodecahedron calendar.

Eva assembling the calendar
Eva has finished folding the 12 units, and has started assembling the calendar.
Brothers hard at work
Brothers hard at work.

Everyone was able to complete their calendar!
Rhombic dodecahedron calendar
A rhombic dodecahedron calendar made from units that had colored calendars printed on them.

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Copyright © 2001 by Mette Pederson
All graphics are © Mette Pederson, and may not be used without her permission.
This page last updated on February 24, 2001 11:03PM EST